Chapter 10. Menus Previous Page Next Page

10.6 Window Menu

Tells BUGS Scratchpad to display the various editing and output windows.

Aquifer Properties This window allows the user to edit the size of an aquifer, grid spacing, starting and editing times, and the default reaction system.
Parameters Displays a window which can add and remove parameters, edit parameter dispersion properties, and specify initial values.
Nodes Displays window which specifies prescribed heads, placement of reaction systems, and edits parameter initial values.
Reactions Displays a window which can add and delete reactions, specify reaction types, edit rate data, edit Stoichiometry data, and to link and unlink reactions and reactions systems.
Reaction Systems Displays a window which can add and remove reaction systems and to link and unlink reactions and reaction systems.
Profile Graph Displays a graph of parameters in a cross-section through the aquifer at a snapshot in time. This window is only available if the simulation is current or up to date.
Node Graph Displays a graph of parameters at a give node over the time of simulation. This window is only available if the simulation is current or up to date.
Surface Graph Displays a surface plot of a parameter throughout the aquifer at a given time. this window is only available if the simulation is current or up to date.
Output Displays a configurable grid of output values. By using drag and drop, the grid can be configured for the display desired by the user. This window is only available if the simulation is current or up to date


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Last Updated October 1, 2001