Column Study is simple numerical model that simulates one-dimensional advection and dispersion of a reactive solute originating from a contaminant spill. It models the processes of transport, sorption and reaction in the aqueous and sorbed phases of a solute. Input parameters include the infiltration rate, amount and location of contaminant, soil bulk density, moisture content, longitudinal dispersivity and partition and reaction coefficients. It solves the resulting system of equations by using a forward finite difference advection/dispersion code coupled to a linearized reaction model by the operator splitting method; much like the implementation of BUGS™ Scratchpad.
Note: Column Study was originally written to run under Microsoft Windows 3.1. It is a what is called a 16-bit application. It will run under Windows '95, Windows NT/2000 and the 32-bit versions of Windows 7 and Windows 10 (including virtual machine guest operating systems). It will not run directly inside a 64-bit windows operating system.
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